------- tribuna d a tauromaquia by APSL Cavalo Lusitano Fotografia : CARLOS HERNANI Recuerde : imágenes a mayor tamaño si hace click so...
tribuna da tauromaquia
by APSL Cavalo LusitanoFotografia : CARLOS HERNANI
Recuerde : imágenes a mayor tamaño si hace click sobre ellas).
A 5ª jornada do Campeonato Nacional de Equitação de Trabalho decorreu de 12 a 14 de Maio em simultâneo com a feira da Expoégua, na Golegã.
No escalão de Masters a grande vencedora foi Mafalda Galiza Mendes com Isco que somaram 12 pontos. No 2º lugar do pódio, com 6 pontos ficou Bruno Pica da Conceição com Istambul e a fechar o pódio, com 3 pontos ficou João Bento com Israel.
Finalmente, no escalão de Debutantes a vitória foi para João Bento e Jaguar com 33 pontos, na 2ª posição ficou Tiago Alves com Jasmim que somaram 31 pontos e na 3ª posição ficou Gilberto Filipe com Juncal da Caniceira com um total de 29 pontos.
Muitos parabéns aos vencedores.
The 5th Journey of the National Working Equitation Championship took place from the 12th to the 14th of May simultaneously with the Expoégua fair, in Golegã.
In the Masters level, the big winner was Mafalda Galiza Mendes with Isco, who added up to 12 points. In 2nd place on the podium, with 6 points, was Bruno Pica da Conceição with Istambul and closing the podium, with 3 points, was João Bento with Israel.
In the most disputed level of this journey, in the Consagrados level, the victory fell to Pedro Nicolau with Gringo with 24 points, with 1 point less, in 2nd position, was João Nuno Cabral with Forcado and in 3rd position was João Gonçalves with the mare Majestosa with 22 points.
Finally, in the Debutantes category the victory went to João Bento and Jaguar with 33 points, in 2nd place was Tiago Alves with Jasmim with 31 points and in 3rd position was Gilberto Filipe with Juncal da Caniceira with a total of 29 points.
Many congratulations to the winners.